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现为教育部长江学者创新团队负责人,并担任Pharmaceutical Crops共同主编,CHM、《药学学报》副主编,PLOS ONE等十余种国际国内学术刊物的编委;完成了260余种中药材产地生态适宜性数值区划,编著《中国药材产地生态适宜性区划》;在国际上首次验证ITS2作为植物通用条形码序列,创建了全新的基于ITS2的中草药DNA条形码鉴定方法体系及药材鉴定数据库,主编《中药DNA条形码分子鉴定》等书籍;通过全基因组解析提出灵芝为次生代谢产物生物合成研究的首个中药基原药用模式真菌,论文在《自然-通讯》Nature Communication发表, 被Nature China选为中国最佳研究亮点推介。获得国家科技进步二等奖2项;发表论文300余篇,其中SCI论文180余篇,包括Nature Commun、Cladistics、PNAS等国际著名期刊。
1. Shilin Chen*, J Xu, C Liu, Y Zhu, D R.Nelson, S Zhou, C Li, L Wang, X Guo, Y Sun, H Luo, Y Li, J Song, B Henrissat, A Levasseur, J Qian, J Li, X Luo, L Shi, L He, L Xiang, X Xu, Y Niu, Q Li, Mira V.Han, H Yan, J Zhang, H Chen, A Lv, Z Wang, M Liu, David C. Schwartz3& C Sun* Genome sequence of the model medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Nature Commun 2012 3:913 doi:10.1038/ncomms1923 (2012).
2. Pang XH, Song JY, Zhu YJ, Xu HX, Huang LF, Chen SL*. Applying plant DNA barcodes for Rosaceae species identification. Cladistics , 2011, 27(2):165-170.
3. China Plant BOL Group1, Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants. PNAS 2011, doi:10.1073
4. Y Zhu, H Luo, X Zhang, J Song, C Sun, A Ji,J Xu Shilin Chen* Abundant and Selective RNA Editing Events in the Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Genetics 2014 .114.161414
5. X Li, Y Yang, R J. Henry, M Rossetto, Y Wang* and S Chen* Plant DNA barcoding: from gene to genome. Biological Reviews 2014, DOI:10.1111/brv.12104
6. L Xiang, J Song, T Xin, Y Zhu, L Shi, X Xu, X Pang, H Yao, W Li and Shilin Chen* DNA barcoding the commercial Chinese caterpillar fungus FEMS Microbiology Letters Volume 347, Issue 2, pages 156–162, October 2013
7. C Li, Y Zhu, X Guo, C Sun, H Luo, J Song, Y Li, L Wang, J Qian, S Chen*. Transcriptome analysis reveals ginsenosides biosynthetic genes, microRNAs and simple sequence repeats in Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer. BMC Genomics, 2013,14:245
8. Xu J; Xu Z; Zhu Y; Luo H; Qian J; Ji A; Hu Y; Sun W; Wang B; Song J; Sun C Chen ShiLin; Identification and Evaluation of Reference Genes for qRT-PCR Normalization in Ganoderma lucidum. Current microbiology 2014, vol.68, no1, pp.120-126
9. Dong,L; Yao,H; Li,Q; Song,J; Li,Y; Luo,H; Chen,S Investigation and integrated molecular diagnosis of root-knot nematodes in Panax notoginseng root in the field European Journal of Plant Pathology, Volume 137, Number 4, 2013, pp.667-675(9)
10. L Xiang, Y Li, Y Zhu, H Luo, C Li, X Xu, C Sun, J Song, L Shi, L He, W Sun, Shilin Chen*. Transcriptome analysis of the Ophiocordyceps sinensis fruiting body reveals putative genes involved in fruiting body development and cordycepin biosynthesis. Genomics. Volume 103, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 154–159
11. Sun C, Li Y, Wu Q, Luo HM, Sun YZ, Song JY, Lui E, Chen SL*. De novo sequencing and analysis of the American ginseng root transcriptome using a GS FLX Titanium platform to discover putative genes involved in ginsenoside biosynthesis. BMC Genomics,2010,11:262.
12. Shilin Chen*, Yao H, Han JP, Liu C, Song JY, Shi LC, Zhu YJ, Ma XY, Gao T, Pang XH, Luo K, Li Y, Li XW, Jia XC, Lin YL, Leon C.Validation of the ITS2 Region as a Novel DNA Barcode for Identifying Medicinal Plant Species. PLoS ONE . 2010,5(1):e8613.
13. Luo H, Li Y, Sun C, Wu Q, Song J, Sun Y, Steinmetz A, Shilin Chen*. Co mparison of 454-ESTs from Huperzia serrata and Phlegmariurus carinatus reveals putative genes involved in lycopodium alkaloid biosynthesis and developmental regulation. BMC Plant Biol. 2 010,10(1):209
14. S Chen*, H. Luo, Y. Li, Y. Sun, Q. Wu, Y. Niu, J. Song, A. Lv, Y. Zhu, C. Sun, A.Steinmetz & Z. Qian 454 EST analysis detects genes putatively involved in ginsenoside biosynthesis in Panax ginseng. Plant Cell Rep (2011) 30:1593-1601.
15. J Qian, J Song, H Gao, Y Zhu, J Xu, X Pang, H Yao, C Sun, X Li, C Li, J Liu, H Xu, Shilin Chen, The Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of the Medicinal Plant Salvia miltiorrhiza PLoS ONE 2013,8(2):e57607.
16. Y Sun, H Luo, Y Li, C Sun, J Song, Y Niu, Y Zhu, L Dong, A Lv, E Tramontano, Shilin Chen* Pyrosequencing of the Camptotheca acuminata transcriptome Reveals Putative Genes Involved in Camptothecin Biosynthesis and Transport. BMC Genomics 12(1):533 (2011)
17 黄林芳, 郑司浩, 武拉斌, 降雪, 陈士林* 基于化学成分及分子特征中药材肉苁蓉生态型研究 中国科学C 2014,第44卷 第2期
18 孙超, 胡鸢雷, 徐江, 罗红梅, 李春芳, 宋经元, 郭红卫, 陈士林* 灵芝: 一种研究天然药物合成的模式真菌 中国科学C 2013年 43(6):
19 陈士林*, 庞晓慧, 罗焜, 姚辉, 韩建萍, 宋经元 生物资源的DNA条形码技术 生命科学 2013,25:4
20 徐江, 孙超, 徐志超, 季爱加, 胡鸢雷, 孙伟, 王丽芝, 汪波, 杨培, 张鑫, 宋经元, 陈士林 药用模式生物研究策略 科学通报 2014,59:

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